Place for your advertising

The Service 8-55 - essentially new kind of the communications. We provide meeting the seller, which searches for the buyer on the goods, and the buyer which in turn, is searched by(with) the goods, necessary for it(him).

The service 8-55 has a multithousand databank about firms, goods and services. Allows quickly to find firm under its(her) name or sort of activity. Gives the information on the goods, services, price and assortment in trading organizations. Enables to learn(find out) telephones and addresses of the suppliers from other cities. Will carry out(spend) the analysis of quantity(amount) of searches on purpose(assignment), goods and services of firm. Gives by the order of the clients marketing researches

We shall help you to increase efficiency of advertising at the expense of use of an index 8-55. To involve(attract) the additional partners and clients. To sell or to buy wholesale parties(sets) of the goods without the intermediaries. Free-of-charge to change or to update the contents of the information during validity of the contract. To be released(exempted) from
of a part of bells of reference character. To receive the business information (about a saturation of the market, on commodity groups) for definition of a situation in the market and acceptance of adequate actions.

Our partner can become any legal or physical person concluded the contract on service. When you become our client, the items of information on your goods (services) are immediately brought in to a database and the service free-of-charge informs the potential consumers of your production on the phone in Orenburg
8-55 from 8.00 daily

The database contains the following information:
The name of goods / service
Manufacture, model, marks
The prices wholesale and retail
Addresses and telephones of the enterprises and trade points
Addresses of the enterprises

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